Theresa Sukal-Moulton
Research Article
Systematic Review of Cerebral Palsy Registries/Surveillance Groups: Relationships between Registry Characteristics and Knowledge Dissemination
Author(s): Donna S Hurley, Theresa Sukal-Moulton, Deborah Gaebler-Spira, Kristin J Krosschell, Larissa Pavone, Akmer Mutlu, Julius PA Dewald and Michael E MsallDonna S Hurley, Theresa Sukal-Moulton, Deborah Gaebler-Spira, Kristin J Krosschell, Larissa Pavone, Akmer Mutlu, Julius PA Dewald and Michael E Msall
The aims of this study were to provide a comprehensive summary of the body of research disseminated by Cerebral Palsy (CP) registries and surveillance programs from January 2009 through May 2014 in order to describe the influence their results have on our overall understanding of CP. Secondly, registries/surveillance programs and the work they produced were evaluated and grouped using standardized definitions and classification systems.
Method: A systematic review search in PubMed, CINAH and Embase for original articles published from 1 January 2009 to 20 May 2014 originating from or supported by population based CP registries and surveillance programs or population based national registries including CP were included. Articles were grouped by 2009 World CP Registry Congress aim, registry/surveillance program classification, geographical region, and the Inte.. View More»