Tsega DK
Research Article
Plant Nutrient and Biological Water Quality of Legedadi Reservoir (Ethiopia): Spatio-temporal Variations
Author(s): Ali AS and Tsega DKAli AS and Tsega DK
Legedadi reservoir, which is the most important single purpose reservoir, provides about eighty percent of the household water supply to Addis Ababa City. However, its water qualities are declining from time and time. For several years, the reservoir has grieved from irregular massive algal blooms, increased turbidity and undesirable odor and taste. The objective of this study was to investigate the spatial and temporal phytoplankton and nutrient dynamics in Legedadi reservoir. For this study, biweekly samples were collected from three sampling stations for ten months and pooled to a monthly data. Composite samples, prepared from discrete depths, were used for the analysis of nitrate, ammonium, orthophosphate and silica. Plankton net with 10 μm mesh size was used to collect sample for phytoplankton species identification and estimation of their relative contribution to the communit.. View More»