Wael A Ibrahim
Research Article
Caspase-12 as a Biomarker of Aquatic Pollution in Oreochromis niloticus
Author(s): Soha M Hamdy, Amany M Shaban, Amany A Mahmoud, Nahed S Gad and Wael A IbrahimSoha M Hamdy, Amany M Shaban, Amany A Mahmoud, Nahed S Gad and Wael A Ibrahim
Biomarkers have recently been used in studies of aquatic environment. Here we present data on stress related bio-markers in Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia) as indicators of aquatic pollution. The samples of study were collected from contaminated aquatic habitats (Qaroun Lake and its neighboring fish farm), in comparison with the reference site. Heavy metal concentrations as Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and Cd were determined in the water and the fish tissues. Oxidative stress biomarkers (Malondialdehyde, reduced glutathione, glutathione S transferase and catalase) together with endoplasmic reticulum stress biomarker (Caspase-12) were determined in both the blasma and the tissue samples. Histopathological examination of kidney and muscles with SDS electrophoresis of muscle proteins were used to study the influence of pollution on Nile tilapia. Heavy metal concentrations of water and tissue samp.. View More»