Journal of Geology & Geophysics

ISSN - 2381-8719

+44 1478 350008

Yang AL

Yang AL

Qingdao, 266100

  • Research Article
    Geochemistry Features of Oil-Gas Inclusions and UV-VIS Micro-spectra Analysis of Single Oil-Gas Inclusions in Bai 95 Oil Well
    Author(s): Yang AL and Tang MMYang AL and Tang MM

    Geochemistry features including homogenization temperature (Th), salinity (S), grains containing oil-gas inclusions (GOIs), and polarized fluorescence microscope identification of oil and gas inclusions (OGIs) of Bai 95 oil well (localized in Jilin Oil Field, Songliao Basin, Northeast China) were obtained. The oil and gas charging, maturities of palaeo oil and gas, and the features of maternal source rocks related to three strata of Bai 95 oil well were estimated. A low cost measurement system combing a common inverted fluorescence microscope (IMF) and an ultravioletvisible (UV-VIS) spectrometer together was used to measure the micro-spectra of single OGIs. A minimum focus spot with 12 μm was obtained. The fluorescence interference from background was greatly decreased by subtracting the fluorescence from background. The micro-spectra from single OGIs take more information than tha.. View More»

    DOI: 10.4172/2381-8719.1000276

    Abstract PDF

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