Clinical and Experimental Psychology

Brenda Walker Dillingham

Licensed Marriage And Family Therapist in private Practice, Greater Tampa Bay Area, USA


  • Review Article   
    Theory of Family Electronic Interconnectivity: Reconnecting Family Members by Teaching Love in Psychotherapeutic Settings Using Technology
    Author(s): Brenda Walker Dillingham*

    Electronically reconnecting families while promoting behavioral change by breaking vicious cycles of negative communication and interactions was the intention of this theoretical dissertation. In many therapy sessions, you have a family that has become disconnected. They come to therapy in an attempt to get reconnected by finding the love they have lost (thus the disconnection). There are many components used in the therapeutic process to reconnect family members including theories and interventions. The idea of using an electronic device can include many components focused at reconnecting family members – the connection being love. TOFEI is the synthesis of select theories integrated with humanity’s current and profound interest in electronics and technology. The overwhelming lure of electronics can be thought of as the umbrella concept of TOFEI. TOFEI combines systems an.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/ 2471-2701.22.9(4).337

    Abstract HTML PDF
