Journal of Health and Medical Research

Emrgurs Hay

Editorial Office, Journal of Health and Medical Research, Belgium


  • Perspective   
    Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Alcohol Consumption: Molecular Changes
    Author(s): Emrgurs Hay*

    Alcohol is one of the main causes of liver disease and encourages Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) and cirrhosis of the liver. Alcohol is metabolized to acetaldehyde in hepatocytes, which results in hepatic steatosis, cellular death, endoplasmic reticulum stress, peroxidation, cytokine generation, and decreased immune surveillance. Produced by gut bacteria, endotoxin and lipopolysaccharide promote the synthesis of cytokines. These alcohol metabolites cause hepatic fibrosis to develop as well as HCC to manifest. Recently, several host genetic variables involved in this process have been discovered... View More»
    DOI: 1037532.jhmr.2022.4.5.123

    Abstract HTML PDF

