Oncology & Cancer Case Reports

ISSN - 2471-8556

Hama Yama

Department of Oncology, University of Moulay Ismail, Meknes, Morocco


  • Opinion Article   
    A Cancer Care Online Asset Infrastructure
    Author(s): Hama Yama*

    As of late, the quantity of instructive clinical assets available to occupants and rehearsing radiation oncologists online have developed dramatically to incorporate conversation sheets, wikis, recordings, webcasts, diary clubs, online networks, and intuitive encounters to increase clinical instruction. In this audit, we recognize, index, and basically assess instructive sites, cell phone applications, online sight and sound, and digital recordings for radiation oncologists. Writing look were led more than a 2 months time span (April to May 2022) utilizing OVID-MEDLINE and PubMed with a blend of important inquiry terms. Sites of pertinent radiation oncology social orders were assessed for e-learning assets. Web look including the Google web crawler, application stores, and web recording distributer sites were led to recognize advanced assets for radiation oncology instruction. To guar.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2471-8556.

    Abstract HTML PDF

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