International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

Hazel Scarlett

Editorial Office International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Belgium


  • Perspective   
    Future Electric Vehicle Battery Management System
    Author(s): Hazel Scarlett*

    The design, monitoring, and management of the car battery and its accompanying components are critical to the future of electric vehicles. Along with an initial ideal design of the cell/pack-level structure, the battery's runtime performance must be regularly checked and refined to ensure safe and dependable operation and long life. To maintain and sustain the battery, better charging mechanisms must be devised. This Special Issue aims to solve all of the aforementioned concerns by supporting creative design approaches, modeling, and state estimate methodologies, charging/discharging management, and hybridization with other storage components... View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/ ijirset.22.3(3).22

    Abstract HTML PDF

