Health Economics & Outcome Research: Open Access

ISSN - 2471-268X

Isla Horvath

Editorial office, Health Economics and Outcome Research , Brussels, Belgium


  • Commentary Article   
    Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Research through Open Innovation
    Author(s): Isla Horvath*

    Over the past ten years, open innovation has progressively increased in the fields of medicine and pharmaceutical research. However, there hasn't been much research done on how well the published literature performs in terms of having an impact on science or garnering attention on social media. By using bibliometric studies, the most prolific writers, organisations, nations, journals, study fields, and recurrent terms were found in the body of literature on open innovation. Citation-related and Altmetric data were assessed by gaining access to the Web of Science Core Collection and Altmetric electronic databases. Public-private partnerships and a number of recently released prospective innovative medications were found in the articles that were analysed. The primary literature producers came from North America and Europe. The majority of research results were published in publicat.. View More»
    DOI: 10.37532/ heor.

    Abstract HTML PDF
