European Journal of Clinical Oncology

ISSN - 2732-2654

Jennifer Wilson

Editorial office, European Journal of Clinical Oncology, Germany


  • Opinion   
    Entanglements and envisioned futures: Oncology's precision subject(s)
    Author(s): Jennifer Wilson*

    Precision oncology plays a more important social role. Precision medicine has completely changed how patients confront, deal with, and experience cancer, as well as how they navigate their treatment plans and deal with side effects. Precision-related innovations in cancer are constantly morethan-clinical; they circulate outside of the lab and the hospital, but it is yet unclear what this "circulation of innovation" actually creates. We use qualitative interviews with 20 people who have been diagnosed with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer and are receiving immunotherapy and/or targeted therapy to begin to understand what is emerging at the cancer-precision nexus in people's daily lives. We discuss how precision affects survivorship, entangles subjects in chronic living, and creates novel temporalities. Precision innovation reshapes expectations and possibilities thro.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/clinical-oncology. 5(1).1

    Abstract HTML PDF
