Journal of Multiple Sclerosis

ISSN - 2376-0389
NLM - 101654564

John Abraham

Department of Neurology, Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, India


  • Commentary   
    Many People Diagnosed with MS Do Not Have the Condition?
    Author(s): John Abraham*

    Multiple sclerosis is a chronic degenerative and inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. This mainly occurs in early adulthood. Almost 2 million people are affected worldwide by this disease. Many Researchers have found that the people that are diagnosed with the multiple sclerosis actually had other unrelated conditions. Multiple sclerosis usually attacks the immune system and it destroys the fatty tissue which surrounds the nerves. This usually leads to the communication gap between the nerves and the brain... View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/2376-0389.21.8.239

    Abstract HTML PDF
