Department of Genetics, Ecology and Evolution, Institute of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Invited Opinion Article
Beyond Mor: Can Induction of Dopamine Homeostasis Along with Electrotherapy Attenuate the Opioid Crisis?
Author(s): Kenneth Blum*, Abdalla Bowirrat, Eric R, Braverman, Catherine Dennen, Foojan Zeine, Nicole Jafari, Keerthy Sunder, Panayotis K. Thanos, David Baron, Debmayla Barh, Ashim Gupta, Debasis Bagchi, Mark S Gold and Rajendra D. Badgaiyan
One important area for consideration especially in terms of combating the ongoing never ending opioid crisis, relates to novel newer assessments for all addictive behaviors both substance and non-substance behaviors (RDS). It is very important to identify early in one’s life the possibility of, because of known DNA antecedents, the presence of pre-addiction. The development of the Genetic Addiction Risk Severity (GARS) test, Blum’s group believes that this type of testing should be the “standard of care” following additional studies. Understandably that while polymorphisms in the Mu-Opioid receptor (MOR) is of real concern in terms of setting people up for predisposition to opioid dependence, the genetic and epigenetic status of dopaminergic function must be considered as well. While this sounds bold (which it is) the results should be protected by the G.I. N. .. View More»
10.35248/ 2471-2701.22.9(2).338