European Journal of Clinical Oncology

ISSN - 2732-2654

Premanand N

Senior Resident, Surgical Oncology, IRHH, AIIMS,New Delhi, India


  • Research Article   
    Does Interval CRS stand better than Primary CRS in advanced Carcinoma Ovary: A comparative study with technical description
    Author(s): M D Ray*, TSHV Surya and Premanand N

    Background: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is used in the patients of advanced ovarian cancer, not amenable for upfront surgery. Desmoplastic response to chemotherapy poses difficulty to complete surgical resection apart from anesthetic implications secondary to chemotherapy. Interval cytoreductive surgery requires expertise and intensive perioperative care to minimize the complications and better surgical outcomes. Present study describes the technique, as practiced by the author emphasizing the importance of surgical skill and technique in interval setting and the author raised the question ‘Does NACT really ease the burden?’. Author explained it with his expences in a tertiary oncological referral centre. Methods: An audit of a prospectively maintained computerized ovarian cancer database in the department of surgical oncology was d.. View More»
    DOI: DOI: 10.35248/clinical-oncology.22

    Abstract HTML PDF
