Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Ramses Thivierge

Editorial office,, Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology, Brussels, Belgium


  • Mini Review   
    Future Portrait of the Athletic Brain: Animal Neurophysiology of Motor Behavior for Mechanistic Understanding of Human Sport Performance
    Author(s): Ramses Thivierge*

    Sport performances are frequently showcases of knowledgeable motor control. Efforts to recognize the neural tactics subserving such moves can also educate us about popular ideas of behavior, in a similar fashion to how research on neurological sufferers have guided early work in cognitive neuroscience. While investigations on non-human animal fashions provide precious facts on the neural dynamics of knowledgeable motor manipulate that is nonetheless hard to reap from humans, recreation sciences have paid notably little interest to these mechanisms. Similarly, information rising from the find out about of game overall performance may want to encourage revolutionary experiments in animal neurophysiology, however the latter has been solely partly applied. Here, we suggest that fostering interactions between these two apparently faroff fields, i.e., animal neurophysiology and game science.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/2471-268X.

    Abstract HTML PDF
