Journal of Multiple Sclerosis

ISSN - 2376-0389
NLM - 101654564

Robert Siblerud

Rocky Mountain Research Institute, 9435 Olsen Court, Wellington, USA


  • Review   
    A Hypothesis and Additional Evidence that Mercury May be an Etiological Factor in Multiple Sclerosis
    Author(s): Robert Siblerud* and Joachim Mutter

    Mercury is one of the most toxic elements that can cause a multitude of health problems. This study was created to determine if mercury could be causing multiple sclerosis (MS) by cross referencing 88 factors associated with MS to mercury. The results found that all but five factors could be attributed to mercury, and with the remaining five factors there was not enough evidence one way or another to possibly be associated with mercury. The hallmark change of MS is nerve demyelination, and mercury is known to cause nerve demyelination. Similar physiological and pathological changes occur in MS and mercury toxicity including those changes involved with the basal ganglia, Bell’s palsy, brain atrophy and shrinkage, brain scarring, dysmetria, myelin basic protein, myelin oliodendrocytes, glycoprotein, oligoclonal bands, oligodendrocytes, ciliary neutrophil factor, white matter, axon.. View More»

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