Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Visnja Bandalo

Research Associate, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia


  • Research   
    The Domains of Eco-Arts Therapies: Mediating Positive Psychology and Its Psychoanalitical Implications
    Author(s): Visnja Bandalo

    Background and Aims: The present paper introduces and thematizes cuttingedge topics in bridging humanistic and medical sciences by analyzing different facets of art-making, conceptualized most comprehensively as regards various types of artistic language in their overlapping moments with therapeutic potentialities and ecological awareness. It entails in utmostly impactful way psyche and soma interactions from a neurobiological perspective within a framework of positive psychology with the scope of bringing to light psychoanalytically and cross-culturally concomitant artistic and ecological mindfulness regarding clinical toolkits and practical strategies. Methods: This paper showcases through clear and precise descriptions a wide-ranging set of artistically motivated examples showing the modalities of how they can be applied and integrated into the work of clinicians through the lens o.. View More»

    Abstract PDF
