Health Economics & Outcome Research: Open Access

ISSN - 2471-268X

Wiatt Iluka

Editorial office, Health Economics and Outcome Research , Brussels, Belgium


  • Opinion   
    Motion and Compliance Control of Robotic Fingers by EMG Interface
    Author(s): Wiatt Iluka*

    To manage the motion and joint compliance of an extra robotic finger, an unique Electromyographic (EMG) control interface was developed. A new class of wearable robotics known as "supernumerary robotic fingers" gives users extra robotic limbs to compensate for or enhance the capabilities of their native limbs without actually replacing them. Since extra robotic fingers are intended to work in concert with human limbs and intimately interact with them, they should exhibit similar behaviour to that of human beings, including the capacity to manage compliance. In order to implement stiffness regulation control strategies, it is crucial to present a control interface and take into account the actuators and sensing capabilities of the robotic additional finger. We provide an EMG interface and a control strategy to adjust the device's compliance using servo actuators. In parti.. View More»
    DOI: 10.37532/heor.

    Abstract HTML PDF
