Department of Public Health Science, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia
Research Article
Health Extension Program Implementation in Pastoral and Agro Pastoral Communities: Ethiopian Somali Region, Ethiopia 2017
Author(s): Lemessa Assefa, Wubareg Seifu*, Solomon G Tsadik and Abdifara Ahmed
Background: Health systems in sub-Saharan African countries often suffer from weak infrastructure, lack of human resources, and poor supply chain management systems and access to health services is low particularly in rural areas. In 2004, the Federal Ministry of Health sought a primary care strategy that could immediately scaled up to address the major challenges in the health system by launching the health extension program. Health extension program was launched after four years in 2008 in Ethiopian Somali regional state without base line assessment and consideration of the pastoral and agro pastoral context.
Objectives: The overall objectives of the HEP evaluation study was to assess the implementation process and status of HEP in the Ethiopian Somali regional state and to determine the effect of HEP on health outcome measure pastoral and.. View More»