Chan Kam Tim Michael
Dermatologist, Association of Integrative Aesthetic Medicine of HK
Hong Kong, SAR, China
Dr Chan Kam Tim Michael is a practicing private Dermatologist in Hong Kong. He received his Fellowship from Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (FHKAM)(Medicine) as a registered Dermatologist since 1998. He received his post- doctoral training in University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1997. He is now the Vice President of the Association of Integrative Aesthetic Medicine (AIAM) in Hong Kong. In 2017, he was invited and served as editorial board member of the following International Journals: Journal of Anatomy and Physiological Studies; the Cognitive Neuroscience Journal; Research Journal of Nervous System; Medical Reports and Case Studies; Advances in Neurology and Neuroscience. He has been the Editor of Hong Kong Journal of Dermatology and Venereology from 2002 to 2007. Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Medicine in The University of Hong Kong From July 2007 to June 2009. He also fulfilled his part time lectureship in the Baptist University of Hong Kong in teaching a Master Course on Public Health and Common Goods for the Public since 2013.
Epidermal skin barrier and the Nervous system, Sensitive skin and Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) Pathways, Acneiform facial skin eruption and Rosacea; pathogenetic mechanisms, Psychodermatology and Neurodermatology