Kenia Pardo Pena
Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Neurochemistry, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, CUCBA
University of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
I studied my PhD in Biomedical Sciences specialized in Neurosciences in the University of Guadalajara, University Center for Health Sciences, earning Honorable Mention in the exam of degree. As a result of my Doctoral project I got four articles published in various international journals, one of which I am first author and three poster presentations at international Congresses.
Currently I have a position as “Academic Technical Associate " in the laboratory of Neurophysiology and Neurochemistry at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology of CUCBA, and I find under evaluation for entry into the National System of Researchers in Mexico. Furthermore I advise to Master's and Doctoral students in teaching techniques and skills for scientific biomedical research. And I'm a professor of cell biology field in University.
Electrophysiology techniques for detection of high frequency oscillations, stereotaxic surgery for implanting electrodes and cannula guide, microdialysis and HPLC techniques, online techniques for quantifying by fluorescence glutamate on line, and implementation of different experimental models of epilepsy (acute and chronic).