International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health

ISSN - 1840-4529

Citation Index

International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health has got h-index 40, which means every article in International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health has got 40 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health.

International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health has got h-index 40, which means every article in International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health has got 40 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health.

  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Total published articles

23 67 56 26 16

Conference proceedings

0 10 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

544 626 620 753 635
Journal total citations count 6294
Journal impact factor 14.24
Journal 5 years impact factor 18.13
Journal cite score 17.42
Journal h-index 40
Journal h-index since 2019 29
Journal Impact Factor 2020 formula
IF= Citations(y)/{Publications(y-1)+ Publications(y-2)} Y= Year
Journal 5-year Impact Factor 2020 formula
Citations(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)/
{Published articles(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)}
Journal CiteScore
CiteScorey = Citationsy + Citationsy-1 + Citationsy-2 + Citations y-3 / Published articlesy + Published articlesy-1 + Published articlesy-2 + Published articles y-3
Important Citations

Mode of delivery and birthweight among teenage and adult primigravida Saudi women: A retrospective comparative study

A comparison of neonatal outcomes between adolescent and adult mothers in developed countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Prevalence of preeclampsia and eclampsia in adolescent pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 291,247 adolescents worldwide since 1969

Adolescent pregnancy: Maternal and fetal outcomes in patients with and without preeclampsia

Demographic profile and pregnancy outcomes of adolescents and older mothers in Saudi Arabia: analysis from Riyadh Mother (RAHMA) and Baby cohort …

Maternal age and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of over 120 million participants

Left Ventricular Geometry and N-terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide in Egyptian Children with Chronic Kidney Disease.

Long Non-Coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in Cardiovascular Disease Complication of Type 2 Diabetes. Diagnostics 2021, 11, 145

Long Non-Coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in Cardiovascular Disease Complication of Type 2 Diabetes

Role of biomarkers of cardiac remodeling, myofibrosis, and inflammation in assessment of disease severity in euvolemic patients with chronic stable heart failure

Maternal obesity increases risk of preeclampsia and diabetes mellitus

Psychosocial stress among the 1st year medical students and its relation to gender, exercise, and body mass index

Immunovirological treatment outcomes after 2 years of antiretroviral therapy in children living with the human immune deficiency virus in Lagos Nigeria

Suppression of HIV-1 viral load after multiple changes in high active antiretroviral therapy: A case report

Growth of consanguineous populations: effect of family and group size

Growth and fluctuating asymmetry of human newborns: Influence of inbreeding and parental education

Attitude Towards Ageing and Perceived Health Status among the Elderly in Malaysia

The Sense of Coherence, Self-Perception of Aging and the Occurrence of Depression Among the Participants of the University of the Third Age Depending on Socio-Demographic Factors

Evaluation of attitudes towards old age among older adults in an institutional facility

Attitude towards ageing and perceived health status among the elderly in Malaysia
