Globalization, astonishing adjustments of the newest technology, changes within the global economic clime, increasing global competition and power of consumers , are impacting on the way and manner public organizations perform their functions. One area that has received considerable attention within the past few decades is IT outsourcing. consistent with Diromualdo and Gurbaxani (1998), organizations consider the adoption of IT outsourcing as a veritable way of sustaining their competitive advantage and maintaining a sustained scale of growth. Similarly, Hirsheim (1997) maintained that organizations consider IT outsourcing as a price saving measure and a crucial option which will enable organizations specialise in their core business. Additionally, (Apte etal. 1997; Matthews, 2004) opined that the One of the foremost promising therapies within the fight against diabetes is that the replacement of insulin-producing cells. This cell replacement therapy includes the transplantation of islet cells provided by a donor pancreas, which may function in diabetes patients for years. Islet transplant recipients can maintain some insulin production; more easily manage their blood glucose levels, eliminate hypoglycemic episodes and knowledge an improved quality of life.