transplant was more commonly called a bone marrow transplant because the stem cells were collected from the bone marrow. Today, stem cells are usually collected from the blood, instead of the bone marrow. For this reason, they are now often called stem cell transplants. A bone marrow transplant, also called a stem cell transplant, is a treatment for some types of cancer. For example, you might have one if you have leukaemia, multiple myeloma, or some types of lymphoma. Doctors also treat some blood diseases with stem cell transplants. A part of your bones called “bone marrow” makes blood cells. Marrow is the soft, spongy tissue inside bones. It contains cells called “hematopoietic” stem cells. These cells can turn into several other types of cells. They can turn into more bone marrow cells. Or they can turn into any type of blood cell.
Certain cancers and other diseases keep hematopoietic stem cells from developing normally. If they are not normal, neither are the blood cells that they make. A stem cell transplant gives you knew stem cells. The new stem cells can make new, healthy blood cells. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the transplantation of multipotent hematopoietic stem cells, usually derived from bone marrow, peripheral blood, or umbilical cord blood. It may be autologous (the patient's own stem cells are used), allogeneic (the stem cells come from a donor) or syngeneic (from an identical twin).It is most often performed for patients with certain cancers of the blood or bone marrow, such as multiple myeloma or leukaemia. In these cases, the recipient's immune system is usually destroyed with radiation or chemotherapy before the transplantation. Infection and graft-versus-host disease are major complications of allogeneic HSCT.Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation remains a dangerous procedure with many possible complications; it is reserved for patients with life-threatening diseases. As survival following the procedure has increased, its use has expanded beyond cancer to autoimmune diseases and hereditary skeletal dysplasia; notably malignant infantile osteopetrosisand mucopolysaccharidosis. Top journals has been successfully publishing quality research articles from many years and looking forward to frame-up an eminent, outstanding issue with best quality research articles in this year. We request you to kindly submit and publish your paper in the best journal and get global acknowledgement