A Cesarean scar pregnancy is testing and troublesome conclusion that can cause such entanglements as uterine crack, plentiful discharge and maternal passing. There are many single reports in writing yet just scarcely any case arrangement. These days, cesarean scar pregnancy is getting progressively visit, it is brought about by an expanding number of employable conveyances. In this paper, 10 instances of cesarean scar pregnancy rewarded in the Gynecology Clinic of the Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital more than 6 years are dissected. One of 10 patients had no manifestations upon the arrival of introduction, 4 patients had torment in their lower midsection, 3 had spotting, 6 had vaginal dying, and 2 of them had seeping after lawful fetus removal. All patients had 1 or 2 cesarean segment in their history. Gestational age of the pregnancy was assessed from 3 to 12 weeks by the last menstrual period. Every one of the 10 patients were dealt with precisely. One patient was treated with 75 mg Methotrexate p.o., 2 days course, however the treatment was fruitless. Nine of 10 patients had aggregate or subtotal hysterectomy. In one case, extraction of scar pregnancy was performed and uterus was protected. The most well-known indications of cesarean scar pregnancy are torment in the lower mid-region, spotting and vaginal dying. The treatment relies upon seriousness of manifestations, gestational age and careful experience.