
Eicosanoids work like hormones, but they do not like to travel. Eicosanoids go by the nickname 'local hormones' because they act on cells close to their site of production. Eicosanoids also rapidly break down, so they are not able to travel very far. There are different types of eicosanoids, but the three most researched types are prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes. We will explore the functions of each of these in a moment, but first, let's learn a few general facts about eicosanoids and the effects they have on your body. The eicosanoids derived from these fatty acids have a variety of effects on your body. For example, they play a role in inflammation, fever promotion, blood pressure regulation, and blood clotting. They also influence the immune response and certain respiratory and reproductive processes. As you can see, this is a long and varied list. But, if you look closely at the list, you notice that eicosanoids bring about many of the unpleasant things that drive us to the doctor's office, like fever and painful inflammation. These symptoms are why eicosanoids are such a focus of medical research.

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