Gastrointestinal tumour tumors area unit a kind of cancer that forms within the lining of the canal (GI) tract. Cancer starts once cells begin to grow out of management. These tumors originate from endocrine glands like the medulla, the pituitary, and also the parathyroids, further as endocrine islets inside the thyroid or the exocrine gland, and distributed endocrine cells within the metabolism and canal. The clinical behaviour of NETs is extraordinarily variable; they will be functioning or nonfunctioning, starting from terribly slow-growing tumors, that area unit the bulk, to extremely aggressive and really malignant tumors. The clinical presentation of viscus carcinoids is commonly nonspecific, and plenty of lesions area unit detected at routine scrutiny as incidental findings. The clinical approach to GCs is essentially dependent upon the kind and size of the lesions. Management of GC-III is fairly clear and cherish that used for viscus adenocarcinomas, which incorporates partial or total surgical procedure with extended lymphoid tissue surgical procedure.