International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health

ISSN - 1840-4529

Ovarian Dysfunction Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Cancer survival rates in young women are improving due to progress in treatment. This includes aggressive chemotherapy, a treatment that often poses a threat to fertility. GnRH agonists were proposed as ovarian protectors during gonadotoxic therapies. This study was undertaken in order to determine the clinical evidence concerning this issue.



The medical literature was searched for studies that reported on ovarian function after the administration of GnRH agonists concomitant with chemotherapy. Twelve studies met the predetermined selection criteria.



Data on ovarian function were obtained for 579 women who received chemotherapy. Among 345 women who received GnRH agonist co-treatment, ovarian function was preserved in 91% and 9% had premature ovarian failure. In 234 women who did not receive GnRH agonist co-treatment, ovarian function was preserved in 41% and failed in 59%. Only two of the studies were randomized. The control and the GnRH agonist groups differed in several important characteristics: the follow-up times were not equal, different treatment protocols were utilized and end-points were poorly defined and inconsistent between the studies.



The effectiveness of GnRH agonists as fertility-preserving agents is debatable. A thorough literature search has found insufficient evidence to show that GnRH agonist co-treatment is effective in protecting the ovary from the damage of chemotherapy. A large randomized controlled trial with adequate follow-up is needed.


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