Spondylitis is an inflammation of the vertebra. It is a form of spondylopathy. In many cases, spondylitis involves one or more vertebral joints as well, which itself is called spondylarthritis. Spondylitis is a type of arthritis that occurs at spine. Sometimes due to increased mechanical stress, bones at spine get distorted in their shapes. For example, they get elongated or sometimes they may even get fused with each other. This results in the swelling of back or chronic back pain. This occurs in persons having more mechanical work. The pain occurring on account of this disorder can be mild or severe. The ultimate treatment for the cure of such disease is surgery in the affected area. This disorder is more common in men than women. Online Journals are scholarly and peer reviewed journals. The journals provide forum and motivates scientists, researchers, academics, engineers, and practitioners in all aspects to share their professional and academic knowledge in the fields computing, engineering, humanities, economics, social sciences, management, medical science, and related disciplines. Online Journals also aims to reach a large number of readers worldwide with original and current research work completed on the vital issues of the above important disciplines. The journals permit all readers to read, view, download and print the full-text of all published articles without any subscription or restrictions.