Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences

ISSN - 2155-9600

+32 25889658


A vitamin is a natural molecule that is a basic micronutrient which an organism needs in little amounts for the best possible working of its digestion. Basic supplements can't be synthesized in the organism, either at all or not in adequate amounts, and accordingly should be acquired through the diet. Vitamin C can be combined by certain species however not by others; it's anything but a nutrient in the primary occasion yet is in the second. The term nutrient does exclude the three different gatherings of basic supplements: minerals, fundamental unsaturated fats, and basic amino acids. Most nutrients are not single particles, however gatherings of related atoms called vitamers. For instance, nutrient E comprises of four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. In spite of the fact that a few sources list fourteen by including choline, significant wellbeing associations list thirteen: Vitamin A, nutrient B1 (thiamine), nutrient B2 (riboflavin), nutrient B3 (niacin), nutrient B5 (pantothenic corrosive), nutrient B6 (pyridoxine), nutrient B7 (biotin), nutrient B9 (folic corrosive or folate), nutrient B12 (cobalamins), nutrient C (ascorbic corrosive), nutrient D (calciferols), nutrient E (tocopherols and tocotrienols), and nutrient K (quinones).

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