Attack Therapies in Multiple Sclerosis

Journal of Multiple Sclerosis

ISSN - 2376-0389
NLM - 101654564

Commentary - (2021) Volume 8, Issue 5

Attack Therapies in Multiple Sclerosis

Chandrika Chitti*
*Correspondence: Chandrika Chitti, Department of Cardiovascular System, NRI College of Medical Sciences, India, Email:

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It’s a disease during which the myelin sheaths of the nerve cells are damaged within the brain and medulla spinalis (spinal cord). The body mistakenly attacks the protective material round the neurons (axons) of the brain and therefore the medulla spinalis. This means that the system which usually works against infections, confuses and attack to internal tissues with foreign objects like bacteria. In the MS, the immune system attacks to myelin sheets over nerve fibers. The multiple sclerosis can damage the myelin and eliminate it from the nerve field partly or completely and makes wounds that are called lesion, plaque or sclerosis. Disruption of the messages transfer in the direction of the nervous system occur due to Damage to myelin. The message may be slow or incorrect and it also may be transmitted from one strand to another or rejected altogether. This damage can interfere with the parts of the nervous system ability that are liable for communication, leading to high levels of physical symptoms.


The explanation for MS has not yet been confirmed, but evidence indicates that there's a posh interaction between environmental and genetic factors. This stimulates the immune system to supply an autoimmune inflammatory response targeting myelin forming cells. Over time, loss of axon and neurodegeneration may lead to an abrupt increase in disability. However, Multiple Sclerosis is not directly inherited and not like some of the complications, only one gene does not result in multiple sclerosis. It's possible that a combination of genes will make some individuals more susceptible to Multiple Sclerosis. But these genes are among the population also. Therefore, genes are only part of the narrative, and other factors are involved in MS. It is of four types according to the International Advisory Committee on MS Clinical Trials in 2013: Clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing remitting, secondary progressive and primary progressive [1]

Medical Treatment

Two major attack therapies utilized in MS (MS), namelyâ??â??(1) glucocorticosteroid (GS) therapy for acute MS |sclerosis|induration| degenerative disorder"> MS relapses and (2) plasma exchange (PE) therapy for acute deterioration in relapsing and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. The GS are the foremost potent immunosuppressive and anti inflammatory drugs available. The patient's history of GS treatment response in deter¬mining whether to use oral tapering is taken into account. With reference to dose-response, experimental data only suggest use of upper GS dosages in severe inflammation. The gold standard treatment for relapses of MS remains high-dose GS therapy. Despite the shortage of sufficient evidence-based trials, intravenous administration of 500 to 1000 mg GS over 3 to five days is widely recommended. Some patients with severe MS relapses don't respond sufficiently to corticosteroids. In such cases, knowledge of the worth of PE in steroid-resistant MS relapses is greatly expanded. The molecular basis of therapeutic efficacy has been defined by local deposition of antibodies and complement, which is accessible to PE through the damaged bloodâ??brain barrier.

Author Info

Chandrika Chitti*
1Department of Cardiovascular System, NRI College of Medical Sciences, India

Citation: Chandrika Chitti. Attack Therapies in Multiple Sclerosis. J Mult Scler (Foster City), 2021, 8(5), 248.

Received: 02-May-2021 Published: 25-May-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2376-0389.21.8.248

Copyright: 2021 Chandrika Chitti. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.