Brainstem: Structure & Its Mode of action

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Opinion - (2021) Volume 12, Issue 3

Brainstem: Structure & Its Mode of action

Karthikeyan Rupani*
*Correspondence: Karthikeyan Rupani, Research Fellow, Tata Medical Centre, India., India, Email:

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The brainstem (or brain stem) is the back stalk-like portion of the brain that interfaces the cerebrum with the spinal cord. Within the human brain the brainstem is composed of the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla oblongata. The midbrain is ceaseless with the thalamus of the diencephalon through the tentorial indent, and presently and after that the diencephalon is included inside the brainstem.

Brainstem, zone at the base of the brain that lies between the profound structures of the cerebral halves of the globe and the cervical spinal line which serves a basic part in controlling certain automatic activities of the body, counting pulse and breathing. The brainstem is disconnected into three portions in individuals: the midbrain (mesencephalon), the pons (metencephalon), and the medulla oblongata (myelencephalon) [1].

The brainstem houses numerous of the control centres for crucial body capacities, such as gulping, breathing, and vasomotor control. All of the cranial nerve cores, but those related with olfaction and vision, are found within the brainstem, giving engine and tactile work to structures of the skull, counting the facial muscles, tongue, pharynx, and larynx, as well as providing the faculties of taste, harmony, and hearing. The brainstem moreover has cores critical for thoughtful and parasympathetic autonomic capacities. All efferent and afferent pathways between the cerebrum and cerebellum course through the brainstem, and many of them decussate, or cross, inside this structure [2].

Since of the important neural structures concentrated in this small parcel of the anxious framework, indeed exceptionally little injuries of the brainstem may have significant impacts. Discourse clutters, vestibular unsettling influence, irregular awareness, dysphagia, and respiratory unsettling influence are some cases of conceivable results of brainstem disarranges. Such clutters can be caused by injury, tumors, strokes, contaminations, and demyelination (different sclerosis). Total misfortune of brainstem work is respected by a few specialists as identical to brain passing.

The brainstem is exceptionally little, making up around as it were 2.6 percent of the brain's add up to weight. It has the basic parts of directing cardiac, and respiratory work, making a difference to control heart rate and breathing rate. It moreover gives the most engine and tactile nerve supply to the confront and neck by means of the cranial nerves. Ten sets of cranial nerves come from the brainstem. Other parts incorporate the direction of the central apprehensive framework and the body's sleep cycle. It is additionally of prime significance within the movement of engine and tangible pathways from the rest of the brain to the body, and from the body back to the brain. These pathways incorporate the corticospinal tract (engine work), the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway and the spinothalamic tract [3].

The primary part of the brainstem we'll consider is the midbrain. The midbrain (too known as the mesencephalon) is the foremost prevalent of the three districts of the brainstem. It acts as a conduit between the forebrain over and the pons and cerebellum underneath. The midbrain is the smallest of the three districts of the brainstem, measuring around 2cm in length. Because it rises, the midbrain voyages through the opening within the tentorium cerebelli. In this article, we are going talk about the life structures of the midbrain – its outside life structures, inner life structures, and vasculature.

The medulla oblongata (medulla) is one of the three districts that make up the brainstem. It is the foremost second rate of the three and is ceaseless over with the pons and underneath with the spinal line. The medulla houses basic rising and slipping nerve tracts as well as brainstem cores. The medulla is cone shaped in shape, decreasing in width because it amplifies inferiorly. It is around 3cm long and 2cm wide at its biggest point [4,5].

The predominant edge of the medulla is found at the intersection between the medulla and pons, whereas the second rate edge is stamped by the root of the primary combine of cervical spinal nerves. This happens fair as the medulla exits the cranium through the foramen magnum. In this article, we might see at the life structures of the medulla – its outside highlights, inner life systems, and blood supply.


  1. 2. Haines, D & Mihailoff, G. Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applications. 2018.
  2. 3. Carpenter & Malcolm. 3rd ed. Core text of neuroanatomy. Williams & Wilkins. 1985.
  3. 4. Alberts & Daniel. 32nd ed. Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary. Philadelphia. Elsevier. 2012.
  4. 5. Ackerman & Sandra. "Major Structures and Functions of the Brain". Discovering the Brain. National Academies Press. Washington. United States. 1992.

Author Info

Karthikeyan Rupani*
Research Fellow, Tata Medical Centre, India., India

Citation: Rupani K, Brainstem: Structure & it’s Mode of action. J Neurol Neurophy, 2021, 12 (3), 01-02.

Received: 01-Mar-2021 Published: 22-Mar-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2155-9562.20.12.521

Copyright: 2021 Rupani K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.