Commentary Note on Nerve Injury

Journal of Neuroscience and Neuropharmacology

Commentary - (2021) Volume 7, Issue 3

Commentary Note on Nerve Injury

Luis Putina*
*Correspondence: Luis Putina, Department of Neurology, Rush Medical College of Rush University, Chicago, United States, Email:

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Nerve injury is an injury to nervous tissue. There is no single taxonomy system that can describe all the many variations of nerve injuries. In 1941, Seddon bring together a classification of nerve injuries based on three main types of nerve fibre injury and whether there is continuity of the nerve. Usually, however, peripheral nerve injuries are classified in five stages, based on the extent of damage to both the nerve and the adjoining connective tissue, since supporting glial cells may be involved.

A huge network of nerves sends electrical signals to and from other cells, glands, and muscles all over your body. These nerves obtain information from the world around you. Then the nerves deduce the information and control your response.

Nerves are made up of packs of axons that work together to facilitate communication between the CNS and PNS. It's essential to note that “peripheral nerve” actually refers to the PNS. Axon bundles are called “tracts” in the CNS. When nerves are injured or aren't signalling properly, a neurological disorder can result.

Unlike in the central nervous system, neuro-regeneration in the peripheral nervous system is probable. The procedures that occur in peripheral regeneration can be divided into the following major events: Wallerian degeneration, axon regeneration/growth, and re-innervation of nervous tissue. The events that happen in peripheral regeneration happen with respect to the axis of the nerve injury. The proximal stump denotes the end of the injured neuron that is still attached to the neuron cell body; it is the part that redevelops. The distal stump mentions that the end of the injured neuron that is still attached to the end of the axon; it is the part of the neuron that will degenerate, but the stump rests capable of regenerating its axons.

The study of peripheral nerve injury began during the American Civil War and greatly lengthened during modern medicine with such advances as usage of growth-promoting molecules. To evaluate the location and severity of a peripheral nerve injury, clinical assessment is commonly combined with electro diagnostic tests. Injuries to the myelin are usually the least severe (neuropraxia), while injuries to the axons and subsidiary structures are more severe (axonotmesis is moderate injury, while neurotmesis is severe injury). It may be difficult to distinguish the severity by clinical findings due to common neurological impairments, including motor and sensory impairments distal to the lesion. Unless otherwise validated, nerve injuries are commonly irreversible, and therefore complete treatment is rather problematic, though still possible and hence lifelong management of disabilities arising due to nerve injuries is necessary.

Approaches to help inhibit peripheral nerve injuries include injection pressure monitoring. The presence of a high opening injection pressure (> 20 PSI) is a sensitive sign of intra fascicular/intraneural needle tip placement. Extra fascicular needle tip placement is linked with low pressures (< 20 PSI). Also, high pressure injection was associated with neurologic insufficiencies and severe axonal damage after the block. Other ways and means of preventing peripheral nerve injury include electrical nerve stimulation and ultrasonography. Electrical stimulation with a motor response at < 0.2 mA only can occur with an intraneural/intra fascicular needle tip location.


A nerve injury can affect your brain's capability to communicate with your muscles and organs. Destruction to the peripheral nerves is called peripheral neuropathy. It's essential to get medical care for a peripheral nerve injury as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment may avoid problems and permanent damage. An action potential (also known as an impulse) is the electrical current that travels the length of an axon when a neuron has been stimulated. At rest the membrane inside of a neuron has a negative charge.

Author Info

Luis Putina*
Department of Neurology, Rush Medical College of Rush University, Chicago, United States

Citation: Putina L. Commentary Note on Nerve Injury. J Neurosci Neuropharm, 2021, 7(3), 001.

Received: 01-Dec-2021 Published: 22-Dec-2021

Copyright: © 2021 Putina L. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.