Contemporary Public Health Issues Affecting Health Economics at N

Health Economics & Outcome Research: Open Access

ISSN - 2471-268X

Editorial - (2021) Volume 7, Issue 1

Contemporary Public Health Issues Affecting Health Economics at National Level

Pradeep K Panda*
*Correspondence: Pradeep K Panda, Micro Insurance Academy, India, India, Email:

Author info »


Health Economics & Outcome Research Open Access Journal was established in the year 2015 and has ever since successfully produced six volumes of peer-reviewed articles in the field of health policy, health infrastructure, clinical health practices, drug licensing, drug regulation and primary health care at quarterly issue release frequency. The Journal also actively engaged in publication of special issues on relevant issue release themes. The editorial board of the Journal is constituted by subject experts and professionals from at least 13 different countries with wide geographical representation.

The Journal has successfully compiled volume six of the preceding year with all the constituent four issues released in a timely manner. The Journal has published 15 articles in volume six that were contributed by 20 authors from different regions of the world and is now geared to venture into the compilation of the first issue of the current year. In this first issue of seventh volume, two research and a review articles are already published pertaining to the economic aspects of sub-cutaneuous immunotherapy for treatment of allergic rhinitis; economic inequality arising due to smoking ; as well as the impact of organizational and risk factors in opting of cesarean section and overall health care policy.

Mylonas et al. [1] have conducted a novel comparative economic analysis of subcutaneous immunotherapy and symptomatic treatment for allergic rhinitis and asthma under health care settings of Greece based on efficacy and safety data extracted from published literature. The study revealed that the survival of immunotherapy patients was relatively higher with the actual cost per patient being less due to low management cost.

Smoking is one of the dominant factors associated with economic disparity particularly due to its burden on public health services, morbidity and mortality of the patients affected. Fernandez and Gonzales [2] reviewed the status of economic inequality arising out of smoking ratio and created a ratio as a measure for logical and reasonable resource allocation for public health. This study is of great relevance in providing a quantitative ratio of practical and methodological reference budget allocation for public health services and economic policy framework in order to alleviate economic inequality arising out of smoking in public health schemes.

Low rate of caesarean was associated with significant maternal and infant mortality in developing countries. In this context, Ousman [3] examined the effect of free maternal care and cesarean section care policy on access, practice and management of cesarean section in Nigeria based on data collected from health facilities and National health information system pertaining to the pregnant women cohort spanning over the period of eight years and analysed the risk and organizational factors in cesarean section practice. The study revealed that the probability of cesarean delivery was not affected by the free care and therefore even more significant policies are necessitated such as increased training, and provision of human resources such as midwife, surgeon and anesthiologists for elevating the rate of cesarean section among pregnant women.

The original research and review articles published so far in this issue are of immense significance for contemporary key public health issues such as optimization of health expenditure, revised formulation of public health policies, alleviation of economic inequality arising due to smoking habits as well as in decreasing the infant and maternal mortality rate. I wish to acknowledge excellent professional services rendered by the editorial team and the subject experts as well as Journal management and production teams for bringing forth the first issue of this year.


  1. Mylonas C., Maniadakis N., Kitsioulis N., Xepapadaki P., Papadopoulos N. G. (2020). Economic Evaluation of Subcutaneous Allergen Immunotherapy versus Symptomatic Treatment in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis with or without Asthma. Health Econ Outcome Res Open Access 7 (1):1
  2. Fernandez F, Gonzalez ES (2019) Economic Inequity Attributable to Smoking Ratio’s for the Public Health. Health Econ Outcome Res Open Access 4: 161. doi: 10.4172/2471-268x/1000161
  3. Ousmane A (2018) Impact of Risk and Organizational Factors in Niger Cesarean Practice. Health Econ Outcome Res Open Access 4: 157. doi: 10.4172/2471-268x/1000157

Author Info

Pradeep K Panda*
Micro Insurance Academy, India, India

, DOI: 10.35248/2471-268X.21.7.e101

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