Leukemia and Cancer Risk Associated with Semiconductor Work: A Sy

Primary Health Care: Open Access

ISSN - 2167-1079

Mini Review - (2024) Volume 14, Issue 5

Leukemia and Cancer Risk Associated with Semiconductor Work: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Divya Sharma*
*Correspondence: Divya Sharma, Department of Biotechnology, Hindustan College of Science and Technology, Mathura, India, Email:

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Background: Over the past 60 years, as the semiconductor business has grown rapidly, it has been claimed that the number of occupational ailments has also increased. The link between semiconductor employment and malignancies, particularly leukemia, is still debatable among these occupational disorders. Therefore, the associations between semiconductor work, leukemia risk, and cancer risk are evaluated in this systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods: Studies published up through July 31, 2022, were examined in the main scientific databases, including PubMed. All relevant research evaluated the likelihood of cancer in semiconductor sector employees. Results: Following a literature assessment, nine papers were chosen. In each research, semiconductor workers were employed between 1965 and 2009. The risk of leukemia (Relative Risk (RR), 1.02; 95% Confidence Interval (CI), 0.74-1.41) or cancer (RR, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.93-1.07), respectively, was not substantially correlated with semiconductor work. Conclusion: The risk of leukemia or cancer was not shown to be significantly linked with semiconductor work in this meta-analysis. For interpretation, internal comparisons such as non-fab workers, research quality, employment period, and the healthy worker impact should be taken into account. In addition, prospective cohort research based on the entire semiconductor workforce could be helpful to evaluate the risk of occupational disease as a required element of health assessment.


Semiconductor • Leukemia • Cancer • Meta-analysis • Health assessment


Throughout recent years, the semiconductor business has been growing quickly and is a significant public vital industry in certain nations [1]. Alongside the worldwide development of the semiconductor business, numerous ecological examinations have been led around the world. These examinations have a detailed relationship between semiconductor work and word-related infections, including skin issues, outer muscle problems, and ladies' sicknesses, for example, monthly cycle issues, unconstrained early termination, and malignant growths [2]. Higher malignant growth occurrence and death rates have been depicted for semiconductor laborers living in the Unified Realm [3]. A few observational investigations and surveys have since portrayed a relationship between semiconductor work and the expanded gamble of a few work-related illnesses. A past report likewise detailed huge paces of unconstrained fetus removal in female laborers [4]. In any case, discoveries from existing examinations are deficient for arriving at an authoritative resolution concerning the connection between semiconductor work and word-related sickness risk. Semiconductorproducing processes are to a great extent isolated into three phases: (1) wafer producing, (2) creation interaction, and (3) gathering. By and large, the manufacturing interaction comprises making a chip by etching a semiconductor onto a wafer. A large portion of the past examinations characterized photograph lithography, drawing, clean, particle embed, and metal cycles as manufacturing work; laborers could be presented with different natural solvents and word-related substances from the cycles. Specifically, laborers might be presented to arsenic, 2-ethoxyethanol, and dichloromethane through creative processes. In the major word-related sickness report in a semiconductor office from South Korea, a female laborer in her twenties passed on from leukemia. Consequently, scholastic exploration needs and social interest in word-related sicknesses at semiconductor office has been expanding. Accordingly, reports have been distributed concerning outer muscle sicknesses, dermatitis, cystitis, bosom malignant growth, lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, barrenness, and ovarian disease. While the infections could be all connected with semiconductor work, every illness can be additionally grouped into creation, get together, and in general semiconductor business-related sicknesses, separately. As these past investigations essentially evaluated word-related illnesses as per creation work status, appraisal of the definite openness source has been inadequate. In this manner, organized epidemiological examinations considering manufacturing processes or word-related substances are required. Bio-checking has as of late been led in light of natural openness records which consider hurtful openness levels in people. In this pattern, an exhaustive assessment is expected through an efficient survey and meta-examination of past examinations concerning the connection between word-related illnesses and semiconductor work. The models of semiconductor laborers, business period, and correlation bunches were considered as thorough assessment factors. Specifically, we thought about leukemia, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL), mind and focal sensory system (CNS) tumors, bosom disease, and other malignant growth types.


This deliberate audit and meta-examination evaluated malignant growth risk among semiconductor laborers. A large portion of the examinations remembered for these meta-investigations was of bad quality. Albeit the examinations were directed in Asia, Europe, and the US, disease risk was tantamount. Likewise, most investigations characterized everyone as the correlation bunch, and a couple of studies characterized non-fab or office laborers as the inward examination bunch. No matter what the correlation bunch or the nature of the investigations, malignant growth risk was not fundamentally connected with semiconductor work. It is important to comprehend the authentic setting of semiconductor work to decide its associations with disease risk. To begin with, the examination is absent on the point. On account of unconstrained fetus removal, there were just seven individual examinations, including one meta-investigation. On account of malignant growth, there were no less than two to six investigations for every disease type. Just the US, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea are significant semiconductor fabricating nations, and a couple of studies have been distributed in these nations [5]. It is fundamental to lead extra examinations to assess the well-being status of semiconductor laborers exhaustively. In the meantime, taking into account the significant semiconductor-producing nations throughout recent years, including France, Italy, Germany, and Japan, their openness climate could be different from that of the US, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. Tragically, openness climate, well-being at the board levels, and word-related substances utilized in the plant could not measure up between the nations. Subsequently, alongside the top significant nations, research from different nations is expected to survey the well-being impact of the semiconductor laborers. Second, it is hard to recognize changes in the semiconductor workplace over the long run. The business time of semiconductor laborers in this study was 1970-2009, and semiconductor work was characterized as fab work, in general work in the semiconductor office, or explicit cycles [6]. Thusly, the appraisal of point-bypoint ecological changes is restricted. Likewise, attributable to quick changes in the semiconductor business and word-related substances, it is challenging to presume that past and current semiconductor work affect disease risk. For instance, TCE was utilized before; however, it is seldom utilized in the ongoing business because of mechanical headway and its unsafe effect on people. Numerous elective substances are utilized and be that as it may, their unsafe impacts on people are lacking. As indicated by a past report, word-related openness likelihood fluctuates relying upon the work time frame. This recommends that immediate openness has diminished, attributable to the mechanization framework and business change (i.e., subcontractor laborers) in the semiconductor office. Nonetheless, point-by-point ecological changes were restricted in this review. Third, deliberate openness evaluation ought to be thought of. In South Korea, Samsung Gadgets started to foster the well-being of the board framework, an ecological security joining framework, and a naturally protected working environment in 2012. A couple of studies have thought about this. As per a past report, the specialist's specialty, working cycles, work obligations, locale, business period, and utilization of word-related substances ought to be thought about while surveying word-related openness in the semiconductor business [7]. Moreover, wafer-producing periods and wafer size changes should be considered as extra factors for openness appraisal. Albeit the greater part of the examinations had restricted data for surveying nitty gritty word-related openness, one review could be eluded to [8], which was excluded from the meta-investigation, as it involved a similar source populace and case-control concentrate as another review. Contrasted with different examinations, it managed different work classes and different synthetic substances utilized in the office. Even though it was difficult to assess the specific programmed change time frame, this review grouped different periods to evaluate the well-being impact on semiconductor laborers. Hence, this report on semiconductor laborers is significant, yet a methodical thought of the different data is expected for additional review. Likewise, the variety of semiconductor work types ought to be thought of. During the 2000s, numerous semiconductor production lines extended in light of worldwide semiconductor interest. Notwithstanding this interest, a lot more semiconductor laborers have been employed. In the semiconductor business, semiconductor and subcontractor laborers are utilized. On account of subcontractor laborers, one of their essential obligations is the avoidance and support semiconductor offices. Albeit most cycles are mechanized in the ongoing business, there is plausible word-related substance openness inside these anticipation and support obligations. Thusly, focusing on the wellbeing status of subcontractor workers is essential. Notwithstanding, because of the idea of their workplace and the social issues that they face, admittance to individual openness data and well-being status was restricted. Contrasted with semiconductor laborers, their work period is short; consequently, admittance to lifetime well-being observation is restricted. In this way, a nonstop report that considers different wordrelated substance openness evaluations are required [9,10]. All through the examinations portrayed in this paper, scarcely any are viewed as numerous work classifications as an openness appraisal. One of the examinations depicted the word-related substances present in the cleanroom. Albeit four investigations portrayed the conceivable wordrelated substances at the office, they didn't matter to them as openness evaluations. The number of subjects fluctuated from 2000 to 130,000, and five examinations comprised more than 50,000 semiconductor laborers. On account of the business time frame, four examinations detailed a work time of over 10 years, and something like 20% to as much as 34% of laborers had been working more than 10 years. What's more, a few investigations incorporated a review populace whose business period was under a year. Subsequently, the thought of the work and idle period is required. Four examinations couldn't recognize the point-by-point age dispersion; somewhere else, almost 50% of the specialists were more youthful than 30 or 40. Hence, well-being impact evaluation ought to be viewed as founded on their age dissemination. In this meta-examination, there were a few restrictions to surveying the relationship between semiconductor work and disease. To start with, most investigations characterized everyone as the correlation bunch. As this can actuate predisposition in evaluating disease affiliation, taking into account semiconductor laborers who are not presented with word-related substances would be suitable. In South Korea, the Public Health care coverage Data set can distinguish clinical and sickness history, including malignant growth, as per work protection records. Through the data set, the malignant growth hazards ofsemiconductor laborers can measure up to different work gatherings. In word-related epidemiological examinations, the impacts on sound laborers should be thought of. Nonetheless, considering that 40% of the semiconductor laborers, in a few examinations, were younger than 40, cautious translation is required. Moreover, an appraisal of the relationship between semiconductor work and other disease types was not accessible because of the absence of existing investigations. Consequently, further exploration thought of different disease types is required.


This methodical audit and meta-investigation found no huge relationship between semiconductor work and disease risk. In the assessment of each review, it was challenging to consider changes in the semiconductor workplace and methodical openness evaluation over the long run. Furthermore, because of the improper correlation bunch and solid laborer impact, it is hard to reason that semiconductor work is not a huge indicator of disease improvement and mortality. In any case, NHL and leukemia are as yet word-related illnesses of interest in South Korea; along these lines, lifetime observing is required. As an initial step, the development of a planned partner, including all semiconductor laborers, is fundamental to beating the restrictions of past examinations. At long last, this can prompt a goal and normalized well-being influence evaluation, which can be applied in other semiconductor-producing nations.

Author Info

Divya Sharma*
Department of Biotechnology, Hindustan College of Science and Technology, Mathura, India

Citation: Sharma, D. Leukemia and Cancer Risk Associated with Semiconductor Work: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Prim Health Care. 2022, 12(09), 463.

Received: 02-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. jphc-22- 80253; Editor assigned: 05-Sep-2022, Pre QC No. jphc-22- 80253(PQ); Reviewed: 19-Sep-2022, QC No. jphc-22- 80253(Q); Revised: 21-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. jphc-22- 80253(R); Published: 26-Sep-2022

Copyright: ©2022 Sharma, D. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.