Many People Diagnosed with MS Do Not Have the Condition?

Journal of Multiple Sclerosis

ISSN - 2376-0389
NLM - 101654564

Commentary - (2021) Volume 8, Issue 3

Many People Diagnosed with MS Do Not Have the Condition?

John Abraham*
*Correspondence: John Abraham, Department of Neurology, Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, India, Email:

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Multiple sclerosis is a chronic degenerative and inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. This mainly occurs in early adulthood. Almost 2 million people are affected worldwide by this disease. Many Researchers have found that the people that are diagnosed with the multiple sclerosis actually had other unrelated conditions. Multiple sclerosis usually attacks the immune system and it destroys the fatty tissue which surrounds the nerves. This usually leads to the communication gap between the nerves and the brain.


The major symptoms of multiple sclerosis include numbness and weakness in the limbs, lack of coordination, tremors. Some of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis are similar to other conditions like migraine and stroke. The stroke and the multiple sclerosis are very different conditions but the similarity in both the conditions is that they both harm the brain in common some of the symptoms are numbness of the limbs, dizziness, slurring visual impairment, difficulty in the walking. It can be difficult for the doctors to make the decision if the symptoms are like some other conditions.

The symptoms and the MRI also look like other conditions. The stroke and the multiple sclerosis are very different conditions but the similarity in both the conditions is that they both harm the brain in common some of the symptoms are numbness of the limbs, dizziness, slurring visual impairment, difficulty in the walking. Multiple sclerosis usually attacks the immune system and it destroys the fatty tissue which surrounds the nerves. This usually leads to the communication gap between the nerves and the brain.

The TRANSFORMS double-blind, double-dummy randomized controlled trial in adults demonstrated the superior effect of fingolimod as compared to IFN-b.65 In patients who received fingolimod, adverse events included cardiac arrhythmias, macular edema, increased liver-enzymes, carcinoma , and herpes viral infections. One published retrospective review of pediatric MS patients treated with fingolimod demonstrated reduced relapse rate. No adverse side effects were reported but follow-up time was on average 8.6 months.66 A randomized double-dummy active comparator study of fingolimod to IFN-b1a is currently underway.

The researchers stated that many people that are misdiagnosed with multiple sclerosis have received the multiple sclerosis treatment for more than year


Many people has received the treatment this may lead to some other condition like progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. This is a rare viral infection that targets the nerve cells and damages the brain. The cost of the treatment is also costly this is the waste of money. There will also be many side effects from the medication they are using for the disease that they haven’t have.

Multiple Sclerosis

Fingolimod’s pharmacologic activity is targeted towards lymphocyte migration out of lymph nodes. This action is highly dependent on the engagement of a Gprotein-coupled receptor, S1P1, present on the surface of the lymphocytes.

Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis

Fingolimod, or FTY720, was the primary oral immunosuppressant approved by the FDA for MS. Fingolimod affects the sphingosine-1- phosphate receptor and sequesters lymphocytes in lymph nodes. The TRANSFORMS doubleblind, double-dummy randomized controlled trial in adults demonstrated the superior effect of fingolimod as compared to IFNb.65 In patients who received fingolimod, adverse events included cardiac arrhythmias, macular edema, increased liver-enzymes, carcinoma , and herpes viral infections. One published retrospective review of pediatric MS patients treated with fingolimod demonstrated reduced relapse rate. No adverse side effects were reported but follow-up time was on average 8.6 months.66 A randomized double-dummy active comparator study of fingolimod to IFN-b-1a is currently underway

Author Info

John Abraham*
1Department of Neurology, Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, India

Citation: Abraham J. Many People Diagnosed with MS Do Not Have the Condition? J Mult Scler (Foster City), 2021, 8(3), 01.

Received: 04-Mar-2021 Published: 22-Mar-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2376-0389.21.8.239

Copyright: 2021 Abraham J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.