Perspective - (2021) Volume 10, Issue 12
Psoriatic Arthritis is a type of autoimmune disease. It occurs when body immune system accidentally targets healthy tissue. Psoriatic Arthritis usually affects skin and joints causing them to swell, stiffen, and hurt. If Psoriatic Arthritis left untreated, inflammation can cause damage to joints and tissues over time.
Psoriatic Arthritis is also known as Inflammatory Arthritis. In the United States, it affects roughly one million people or 30% of those with psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin condition that manifests itself as a red scaly rash on the elbows, knees, ankles, feet and hands.
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis share certain symptoms. However, Rheumatoid Arthritis commonly affects both sides of the body. It can also produce pimples beneath the surface of skin. With Psoriatic Arthritis, other skin and nail abnormalities are more common. This illness can affect any portion of the body.
Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis
The following are some of the signs and symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis • Fingers and toes swollen
• Injuries to the feet
• Back pain in the lower back
• Fatigue
• Swelling and soreness in the area of the tendons
• Morning stiffness and exhaustion less range of motion
• Changes in nail colour
• Pain and redness in the eyes
• Skin that is scaly, particularly on the knees, elbows, and scalp
Effects of psoriatic arthritis
Spondylitis is a condition that affects the spine, causing inflammation and stiffness in the neck, lower back, spinal vertebrae and sacroiliac region (pelvic area) making it difficult to move. Spondylitis can also cause arthritis in the joints of arms, hips, legs and feet by attacking connective tissue such as ligaments.
Enthesitis is an inflammation of the entheses which are the points on bones where ligaments or tendons attach. The bottoms of feet, Achilles tendons and the sites where ligaments link to ribs, spine and pelvis are all likely to develop it. It solely affects those who have Psoriatic Arthritis not persons who have Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis. Enthesitis causes the tissues in the affected area to become ropey over time.
Dactylitis also known as sausage digits which is an inflammation of the entire finger or toe. It occurs when the surrounding tendons' tiny joints and entheses become inflamed. Another symptom of Psoriatic Arthritis is Dactylitis. A few fingers or toes are generally included, although not in a symmetrical arrangement. Psoriatic Arthritis can affect different toes and fingers on different sides of body unlike other varieties of arthritis.
In Psoriatic Arthritis, pain can occur in the area of the sacrum (the lower back, above the tailbone), as a result of sacroiliitis or spondylitis, which is present in 40% of cases. Pain can occur in and around the feet and ankles, especially enthesitis in the Achilles tendon (inflammation of the Achilles tendon where it inserts into the bone) or plantar fasciitis in the sole of the foot.
Genetics are thought to be strongly involved in the development of Psoriatic Arthritis. Obesity and certain forms of psoriasis are thought to increase the risk.
Psoriatic Arthritis affects up to 30% of people with psoriasis and occurs in both children and adults. Approximately 40-50% of individuals with Psoriatic Arthritis have the HLA-B27 genotype. The condition is less common in people of Asian or African descent and affects men and women equally.
Citation: Ringer E. “Psoriatic Arthritis: Symptoms and Effects”. J Arthritis, 2021, 10(12), 001
Received: 02-Dec-2021 Published: 23-Dec-2021
Copyright: © 2021 Ringer E. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.