Specifications For Research With T.A.T In Psychotic Adolescents

Primary Health Care: Open Access

ISSN - 2167-1079

Research Article - (2021) Volume 11, Issue 7

Specifications For Research With T.A.T In Psychotic Adolescents

Veronika Ivanova*
*Correspondence: Veronika Ivanova, Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, Medical University, Bulgaria, Email:

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Psychotic state in adolescence differs from adults, differential diagnostics requires both metric rocks and questionnaires and projected methodologies and therapeutic interview to assess the ability of symbolization, affective and cognitive moment. 16 psychotic inpatient adolescents ( 7 girls )have been studied aged 11 to 18, with doubts about the beginning of a psychotic disorder. The MMPI-2, a clinical version, is used. The results show that the psychotic rocks in the MMPI-2 profile, and the stories of T. A. There are disturbances of the symbolization process, a specific understanding of the metaphorical sense and the use of metaphorical meaning in concert Things that require a careful analysis of the stories on two types of characteristic-formal and content. The interview found that at 13 out of 15 they were studied, there was no real character game in childhood.


Projective test, Psychotic, Adolescent


A review of the TAT literature on adolescence reveals two types of studies. The first group is studies whose purpose is the investigation of the TAT itself, as an instrument of psychological measurement. This research typically employs a so-called normal sample [1-3], with comparison groups sometimes included for analysis of group differences. A second group of studies includes those which seek to establish the validity of hypotheses about a particular population (e.g., delinquent males) by using the TAT alone or with additional measures [4-6]. In comparison between psychotic and nonpsychotic subjects, by Leitch and Schafer [7], were found nine indicators characterize the psychotic stories incoherence, contradictions, queer verbalizations, nonsense rhyming, themes unrelated to the picture, and introduction of the examiner into the story. They found exocentric and absurd stories and distortions. There are themes like violence and death and more modulate affect. There are other early research [8,9] analyzed the TAT stories and found differences expressed representation of persons with psychotic disorder and nonpsychotic adolescents.

Pestalozzi [10] examines the problem of symbolic and concrete in adolescents’ psychoanalytic therapy and says that the unique disturbances in symbolization are characteristic of the pathology of schizophrenia. The author discusses theoretical problems in the symbolization process and found that in early childhood there is data that psychotic adolescent doesn’t have the ability to play symbolic games. Louët et al. [11] assuming the prognostic significance of manic/mixed episodes in adolescents. Using psychodynamic-oriented projective psychological testing which can predict evolution to schizophrenia. Judith [12] discusses the recurrence of infantile, proto‐mental functioning in adolescence She demonstrates, through clinical example, how the tendency to resort to bodily centered and sensation‐dominated protections is reactivated on a grand scale when the internal and external physical and psychological changes.


In this research we used MMPI-2 and Thematic Apperception Test.

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): The methodology was initially designed provoked by the need for a projective study of the patient's personality. TAT consists of 30 black and white paintings and one blank (white). On the back of the pictures are numbers 1 to 20, which give the order of use of the pictures. The letters added to the figures indicate the age and gender of the subject for whom the pictures were adapted; B - boy; G - girl; M - man and F - woman. For each subject examined, the TAT consists of a series of 20 paintings, sorted in advance by age and gender. The test is conducted in two series. In the first series, each of the ten paintings is submitted. The pictures in the second series (from 11 to 20) are less close to the truth, weird, fantastic than the ones in the first series (from 1 to 10).The established exact content of the paintings [13] is the third proofreading of the official series; the selection was made by Murray et al. [13] according to norms taken from practical research.

MMPI-2 Most used, most research data high reliability and validity for psychological measures .

Results and Discussion

Reviewed all protocols of T.AT. We assume in two categories & formal and content characteristics (Table 1 and Table 2).

N Latent time from submission to start of narrative Time summary Number of details
1 0.25 30 7
2 0.3 15 5
3 0.33 18 20
4 0.5 24 8
5 1.16 40 9
6 0.33 35 11
7 1.20 17 18
8 0.55 18 20
9 0.89 10 8
10 0.34 45 5
11 0.66 23 7
12 0.78 31 25
13 0.33 17 20
14 0.28 16 13
15 1.13 15  
16 1.45 12  

Table 1: T.A.T analysis. Formal characteristics.

N Deviation A, B, C, D Projection, solidarization with one of the characters Conflicts Emotional background Position
Active distressing contemplative aggressive
1 A Not good enough Yes aggressive   yes    
2   strong Yes aggressive       yes
3 A,B Not good enough No Sadness     yes  
4   strong no Pale, absent emotions sadness     yes  
5   Not good enough no apathy     yes  
6   Strong yes Passive-aggressive   yes    
7   Strong no Boredom, emptiness   yes    
8   Strong yes Anger, sadness yes      
9 A Not good enough no suspicion       yes
10 A Not good enough no indifference       yes
11   Not good enough yes emptiness     yes  
12 A Not good enough yes aggressive       да
13 B Strong yes wines   yes    
14   Strong yes grief yes      
15 A Not good enough no emptiness     yes  
16 а Not good enough не indifference     yes  

Table 2: Content characteristics.

The "deviation" category is called the behaviour of the surveyed person aimed at avoiding the necessary answers be intentional and unconscious.

A. A-descriptive variant in which only the image is described

B. B-formal construction of the plot without filling it with specific content,

C. C-substitute variant-of book or film

D. D- Branched version creates a storyline but tries to give the maximum number of variants

The category "Personnel position" is an indication of solving life tasks and conflicts. One or another vital position (actual, suffering, contemplative, aggressive) is accepting the place of one or another picture personality in personal or public relations. The situation to actively exit it for its development or prevention of This development is observed in the actual position and vice versa, passivity, inactivity, providing others to act in the end. " Watching from the side "as a third party", not involved in the situation, but observing and accepting all outputs, is characteristic of the contemplative position. The trend of destruction, destruction, entry into conflict is an aggressive position.

Examining results in picture stories from T.A.T finds out that their stories are prone to many details, time indicators greatly vary, and latent time. In the deviation category, if there is such a descriptive option (6) of cases, a formally constructed narrative and one substitute variant. In most, there is a complete picture story without deviations. In 9 of the surveyed persons, weak projection and solidarization with the characters have been observed, they cross the threshold of the symbolic and make a narrative of themselves without the element of imagination and symbolism. For half of them, conflict relations are reported, and they are all with the authoritative parent shapes to which their anger route. The emotional background is too diverse to summarize successfully, but in 10 of them with a sufficient or contemplative position, it is less aggressive and is most rarely active. That is, most is standing and observed on the side, with the impossibility of feeling a participant in whatever happening and decide or take an active position.In the text of T.A.T of psychotic adolescents, there is strong unconscious ambivalence in relation to the parent. "The adolescent is not singleminded, then, in his withdrawal from his parents and his attempts to sever parental ties and dependency. He also desperately needs his parents and wants their love and care" [13].


In conclusion, we can say that in his stories of a projective methodology, adolescents with doubts about psychosis make a lot of stories such as what unites them is the many details in which they embark on, as well as the lack of a clear dividing line between internally and externally, the lack of symbolic space in these stories.The passive role of being controlled is the most preferred role for them.


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Author Info

Veronika Ivanova*
Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, Medical University, Varna, Bulgaria

Citation: Ivanova, V. Specifications for Research with T.A.T in Psychotic Adolescents. Prim Health Care, 2021, 11(7), 390.

Received: 18-May-2021 Published: 31-Jul-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2167-1079.21.7.390

Copyright: © 2021 Veronika Ivanova. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.