Understanding Panic Disorder and Physical Activity

Clinical and Experimental Psychology

Commentary - (2021) Volume 7, Issue 12

Understanding Panic Disorder and Physical Activity

Samantha Ghoshal*
*Correspondence: Samantha Ghoshal, Department of Psychiatry, Bahria University, Pakistan, Email:

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An intellectual fitness ailment characterized by the use of strong feelings of anxiety, tension, or concern that interfere with one's day-to-day activities. A tension sickness is a type of mental health problem. If you have a tension disorder, you may react to certain situations and situations with fear and anxiety. You may also have physical signs and symptoms of tension, such as a racing heart and excessive sweating. It's normal to feel a little tense. Tension will inevitably arise from time to time in life. When presented with a problem at work, before taking a test, or before making a critical decision, you may feel nervous. Anxiety is a common feeling. It's your brain's way of reacting to stress and warning you about a potential hazard [1]. Everyone has nerves from time to time. For example, you may experience anxiety when presented with a problem at work, before taking a test, or before making a critical decision. There are many different types of tension difficulties, including generalized tension sickness, panic sickness, and various phobia-related problems. Anxiety is a common reaction to stress that can be beneficial in select situations. It can warn us about dangers and help us prepare and pay attention. Anxiety disorders differ from usual feelings of anxiety or nervousness in that they involve excessive worry or tension. Anxiety disorders are the most common type of mental illness, affecting over 30 percent of adults at some point in their lives. However, tension concerns may be treated, and there are a number of effective therapies available. Treatment allows the greatest number of people to live normal, productive lives. Anxiety is defined by the American Psychological Association (APA) as "a sensation of tension, anxious thoughts, and bodily changes such as elevated blood pressure." Knowing the difference between normal anxiety and an anxiety disorder that necessitates medical attention can aid in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. GAD is a long-term condition that causes you to feel anxious about a wide range of circumstances and issues rather than just one specific incident. People with GAD experience nerve-wracking days on a regular basis and frequently fight to remember the times when they felt peaceful. At any age, generalized stress illness can develop. The symptoms are similar to panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and various types of tension. Consistent fear, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating are some of these symptoms [2]. Feeling restless, tense, or on edge are all symptoms of generalized tension disease. Being exhausted without struggle, having trouble concentrating; your mind goes blank, Being irritated, as well as experiencing sleep issues such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, restlessness, or unsatisfactory sleep. Panic disorder is a type of tension disorder. It causes panic attacks, which are unexpected feelings of anxiety when there is no real danger. You can also feel as if you're losing control. Panic attacks can strike at any moment, in any place, and with no warning. You can also be concerned about other assaults and stay away from places where you've been assaulted. Worry has taken over the life of a few humans, and they are unable to leave their houses. Panic disorders are more common in women than in men [3]. It usually begins to evolve when humans are still in their adolescent years. It can begin to evolve while someone is under a great deal of stress. The majority of persons improve as a result of treatment. Specific phobias are commonplace place tension difficulties that affect around 8% of persons over the course of a year. Fear of animals (zoophobia), fear of heights (acrophobia), and fear of thunderstorms (astraphobia or brontophobia) are the most common place specific phobias. At least 5% of people are terrified of blood, injections, or injuries, at least to some degree. People with phobias may also have an unreasonable or excessive fear of encountering the frightening thing or circumstance, as well as experience instantaneous extreme anxiety when confronted with the frightening item or event. Anxiety in children can have a variety of origins; it might be rooted in biology, or it can be a manufactured from any other current disease, such as autism or Asperger's disorder. Gifted children are also more likely than non-gifted children to experience excessive stress. Anxiety in children often appears in conjunction with age-appropriate themes, such as fear of going to school (now no longer related with bullying) or not acting appropriately enough at school, fear of social rejection, fear of something happening to loved ones, and so on. The length and complexity of the fears involved distinguish disordered tension from usual formative year tension [4,5].


  1. Choi, Y.H., & Lee, J.H. “Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for Panic Disorder.”J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc37 (1998): 603-619.
  2. Powers, M., et al. “Exercise for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: The State-of-the Science.”Cogn Behav Ther44.4 (2015): 237-239.
  3. Hoffart, A., & Hedley, L.M.“Personality traits among panic disorder with agoraphobia patients before and after symptom-focused treatment.”J Anxiety Disord11.1 (1997): 77-87.
  4. Lidren, D.M., et al.“A comparison of bibliotherapy and group therapy in the treatment of panic disorder.”J Consult Clin Psychol 62.4 (1994): 865-869.
  5. Albus, M., et al.“Drug treatment of panic disorder: Early response to treatment as a predictor of final outcome.”Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica82.5 (1990): 359-365.

Author Info

Samantha Ghoshal*
Department of Psychiatry, Bahria University, Pakistan

Citation: Ghoshal, Samantha. Understanding Panic Disorder and Physical Activity. Clin Exp Psychol. 2021, 7(12), 291.

Received: 03-Dec-2021 Published: 27-Dec-2021

Copyright: © 2021 Ghoshal S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.