A decade of follow-up and therapeutic drug monitoring in HIV-2 im | 3290

Virology & Mycology

ISSN - 2161-0517

+44 1223 790975

A decade of follow-up and therapeutic drug monitoring in HIV-2 immunocompromised patientsat St Camille and General Lamizana Military Medical Centers, Burkina Faso, West Africa

International Conference on Retroviruses & Novel Drugs

June 08-09, 2015 Chicago, USA

M Sanou1,2,3, S T Soubeiga1,5, O Yacouba2,3, F Bationo4, T R Compaore1, T M Zohoncon1,5, G N Diatto2, P Ouedraogo5, B M Nagalo1,6, C Bisseye1, R Ouedraogo/Traore3 and J Simpore1,5

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Virol-mycol

Abstract :

Although HIV-2 is generally less pathogenic than HIV-1, and its progression towards AIDS occurs less frequently. HIV-2 remains an important cause of disease in West Africa, where it is endemic. This study aimed to evaluate HIV-1 and HIV-2 prevalence among pregnant women and to describe the demographic and clinical profile of patients with HIV-2 infection from 2003 to 2013 at St Camille and General Lamizana Military Medical Centers. A retrospective investigation was conducted using 12,287 medical records from patients screened for HIV. To respond to the lack of data available regarding HIV-2 treatment and also to address the approach to clinical, biological as well as therapeutic monitoring, 62 HIV-2 infected patients? medical records were studied. Seroprevalence of 10.6% and 0.14% were obtained respectively for HIV-1 and HIV-2 among 12,287 women screened during the study period. From the sixty two (62) HIV-2 patients, the average age was 49.2 years (sex ratio was 0.65). The weight loss and diarrhea were the major clinical manifestations observed, respectively 54.8% and 25.8%. Fungi and herpes zoster (shingles) infections were reported as major opportunistic infections. Also, nearly half of the patients had more than 60 kg, less than 2% were in WHO stage IV and about 2/3 had a CD4 count bellow 250 cells/mm3. AZT-3TC-IDV/ LPV/R was the most prescribed combination. The gain in weight, the improvement of the body mass index (BMI) and the nonsignificant increase of the rate of CD4 between 1st (M1) and 24thmonth (M24) were observed after treatment with antiviral.
