Azza Attia
Bordeaux University, France
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol
Fetal medicine is an expanding branch of medicine. Fetal ultrasound screening becomes one of the main targets of health ministries all over the world especially in developed countries. Its aim is early detection of major handicapping fetal anomalies and proper management of each pregnancy. Three main fetal scans are recommended during pregnancy to screen for any fetal or placental anomalies, one scan at a specific time in each trimester. Each scan is characterized by specific fetal features with well-known normal parameters and ranges. Some of the neurogenetic diseases will result in abnormal fetal features which will vary according to the timing of the scan. A deviation of any fetal parameter out of expected range should be treated with a careful and meticulous interpretation and follow up in order to reach the proper diagnosis, prognosis and management. We will present here the three main fetal scans and the abnormal fetal features which can be associated with some neurogenetic diseases. We will present also the complementary required genetic and or other radiological test which are required to confirm the diagnosis and hence the prognosis and the management. However, despite of advanced fetal echography and different detection techniques, we are still facing a lot of challenges regarding predictive factors and family counseling.
Azza Attia has completed her PhD from University of Bordeaux Faculty of Medicine, France. She has 20 years of experience in medical genetics. She is a Consultant of Medical Genetics at Feto Maternal and Genetics Center in Dubai Healthcare City. She has published more than 20 papers in reputed journals.