Advances in vaginal microfl ora, immunity and bacterial vaginosis | 47588

Pediatrics & Therapeutics

ISSN - 2161-0665

+44 1478 350008

Advances in vaginal microfl ora, immunity and bacterial vaginosis

International Conference on Pediatrics & Gynecology

6-8 December 2011 Philadelphia Airport Marriott, USA

Gary Ventolini

Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright State University, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Pediatr Therapeut

Abstract :

Vulvovaginal infection is the most common gynecologic problem encountered in the United States in primary care resulting in more than 10 million offi ce visits per year.It has been reported that more than 23% of women of childbearing age are aff ected by bacterial vaginosis. What is the state of the art regarding the knowledge and treatment of this condition? Th e microbial fl ora that colonize the vagina play an important role in maintaining vaginal health, preventing vaginal infections and averting intrauterine infections.
Diff erent methods have been used to identify the vaginal microfl ora.
Recently the advent of qPCR has made that identifi cation not only increasingly reliable, but also aff ordable. Th e prevalent microfl ora is dominated by lactobacillus; they contribute to the acidifi cation of the vaginal milieu by producing lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide. We have acquired more information regarding the physiology and pathophysiology of this microfl ora. Additionally we have made substantial progress in the understanding of vaginal immunity and now have additional understanding about why lactobacilli do not protect the vagina from fungal infections.
An alteration of the vaginal microfl ora with overpopulation of anaerobic bacteria and lactobacilli depletion is the ingredient to develop bacterial vaginosis. In recent times it was reported the formation of biofi lm by those anaerobic bacterial population. Th e purpose of this presentation is to discuss these 3 new important fi ndings. Furthermore, we would like to update the audience regarding the implications for prevention and management of vaginal infections including bacterial vaginosis and fungal infections.

Biography :

Dr. Gary ventolini graduated medical school from the university of padova in Italy. He completed Residency training in family practice and obstetrics & gynecology in the USA later becoming a fellow of both Organizations. He has been professor and chair of the obstetrics and gynecology department at Wright State university, Dayton, Ohio, .since his appointment in 2006.he has published over 60 papers in peer Reviewed journals and more than 10 manuscripts in journals as per editors requests. He has presented more than 50 abstracts at national and international meetings and has authored several book chapters, books and manuals.
