Bioinformatic tools for determination of high-affinity peptides a | 44076

Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems

ISSN - 2376-0419

+44 1300 500008

Bioinformatic tools for determination of high-affinity peptides as alternative to treatment of Obesity

11th World Congress on Pharmaceutical sciences

September 28-29, 2018 | Montreal, Canada

Ivonne M Bartsch, Sergio Marshall, Fanny Guzman Q and Constanza Cardenas C

Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Pharma Care Health Sys

Abstract :

Opsonin C3b is an important part of the immune system, being able to trigger phagocytosis by binding to the complement receptors (CR1) of macrophages. The coating of cells with C3b positions them at risk of destruction. The AQP7 protein is highly specific in adipocytes, therefore they can be targets for the generation of the dual agonist of adipose cells and CR1, through hybrid peptides for the activation of the phagocytosis of the former. In this work, we will perform a bioinformatic analysis through the design of peptides, based on these sequences to trigger phagocytosis adipocytes as an alternative to obesity treatment. Materials and Methods: For the development of this work, we used UniProt, Ncbi Protein Blast, and PDBsum as databases, Patchdock and FireDock for the realization of the Docking and I-Tasser for the modeling of the AQP7 protein; All of them of free access. To analyze if there is a binding between peptides and AQP7 protein, it was used fibroblast 3T3-L1 cell line and differentiated into adipocytes. To analyze if peptides bind to the CR1 protein, it was used THP-1 monocytes cell line. Conclusions: From the interaction sites between C3b and CR1 it was possible to obtain four receptor agonist peptides. From the modeling and subsequent docking between AQP7 and other protein structures (IgG) were found six binding peptides. For the design of the hybrid peptides, a matrix was generated with 36 resulting peptides capable of binding to CR1 to AQP7. Of these peptides, two are capable to bind to AQP7 and two binds to CR1. The final matrix of 4 peptides needs to be proved by a co-culture of this two cell lines and demonstrate phagocytosis activation.

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