Cardinal feature of various anxiety disorders and also plays a vi | 62123

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Cardinal feature of various anxiety disorders and also plays a vital role in depression

5th International Conference on Neurologists & 33rd Euro Congress on Neurologists and Psychiatrists

July 11-12, 2024 | Webinar

Wajeeda Shaikh

Head of well being and school counselor at International Academic school Dubai, UAE

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neuro Neurophysiol

Abstract :

Worry is a cardinal feature of various anxiety disorders and also plays a vital role in depression. Worries are often described as verbal thoughts that are associated with external cues, while obessions can also include distressig image that are associated with either internal or external cues. Numerous stuides have been done to analyse and gauge the severity of worry and obessions in different anxiety disorders and depression The objective of the present study was to asssess the severity of worry and obsessive beliefs in patients suffering from anxiety disorders and depression as per the criteria of DSM1V TR. The maon aim was to study the relationship between worry and obsessive beliefs. This researcher eas conducted on Indian population. A total of 30 patients with different anxiety disorders and 30 patients with depression were included in the sample The age range was 18-60 and educational level above 6th grade. The sample was collected from various public as well as private hospitals across the city of Mumbai- India. Languages of questionnaries were english, hindi (country language) and Marathi (state language). The participants were administered Penn state worry questionnaries and obsessive beliefs questionnarie using structed interview format to retain the reliability and validity of the instruments. The participants were debriefed about the purpose of the study. The collected data was then complied and subjected to statistical analysis. Two tailed t test was the statistical technique used to determine the significance of the differnce in the data obtained Resluts showed that there was a clinically significant difference in he severity of worry and obsessive beliefs in patinets with anxiety disoreders and depression, with regards to the first hypothesis worry was seen high in anxiety disorders and obsessive beliefs were higher in depressio. Thus, the obtained results supported the hypotheses that there is a clinically significant difference. Last hypothesis was farmed as a correlation hypothesis which indicated that there will be a posiive correlation between and obsessive beliefs in patinets with anxiety disoreder and depression. Thus the hypothesis was proved to be having a positive correlation. All the findings were in line with previous research and studies

Biography :

Wajeeda Shaikh current workin as a Head of well being and school counselor at International Academic school Dubai, UAE
