Clinical observation on alteration of depression, cognitive funct | 48488

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Clinical observation on alteration of depression, cognitive function, and quality of life in acute cerebral infarction patients

4th International Conference and Exhibition on Neurology & Therapeutics

July 27-29, 2015 Rome, Italy

Ji You

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol

Abstract :

Background: Cerebral infarction brings many psychiatric illness. Post stroke depression(PSD) is very common situation. PSD
can have a bad influence on rehabilitation. Of course PSD could influence to cognitive function. But there are few study about
that. So we decide to check the PSD prevalence, quality of life and cognitive function simultaneously.
Method: We select 92 patients with acute stroke. We performed MRS (modified Rankin scale) K-BDI (Korea-Beck depression
inventory), NIHSS, and MMSE (mini mental state examination) and stroke specific quality of life scale at acute phase, 4 week
and 12 weeks later. We exclude depression patient before stroke.
Result: K-BDI were not changed significantly in baseline, 4week, and 12 weeks later. But MRS and NIHSS decreased significantly
(p<0.0001). PSD is detected 60% like other studies. K-BDI is not improved even 12 weeks. But NIHSS and MRS is improved.
Conclusion: The stroke patient showed physical improvement. But they felt depression still after 12 week. That means emotional
support is also important to the stroke patient. Clinicians must focus on the stroke patient emotional status. And cognitive
function also checked simultaneously.
