Clinical tips for durable dentin bonding | 47826

Advances in Medical Research

ISSN - 2564-8942

Clinical tips for durable dentin bonding

Joint Event on European Forum on Dentistry and Dental Materials & Global Summit on Advanced Clinical Dentistry and Dental Treatment

September 04-05, 2019 | Paris, France

Sherif Abdelaal

King Abdulla Medical City, Saudi Arabia

Keynote: Advances in Medical Research

Abstract :

Adhesion to dental substrate is the key foundation for modern esthetic dentistry that enables practitioners using of tooth colored direct and indirect resins and ceramic based restorations. At their foundation, direct anterior and posterior resin composites, endodontic posts, resin cores, and laboratory processed resin and ceramic veneers, inlays, onlays, and crowns all have bonding agents that function as the bridge between the restorative material or luting cement and tooth structure. To achieve clinical success with such restorations, good adhesion between restorative materials and tooth substrates is of crucial importance in order to ensure good marginal sealing, reinforcement of the tooth structure, and longer life of the restoration. During the last two decades, great advances in adhesive dentistry achieved forming what is called by bonding revolution in order to produce good adhesion to dental substrates. Modern adhesive systems seem superficially simple - merely a film to be painted on the tooth. Actually, they are often sophisticated and complicated chemical systems that have the challenge of sensitivity to the heroic oral environment where placed. So careful attention to appropriate use and good clinical technique is essential for getting the best performance out of the bonding system and, ultimately, the restoration. The presentation will address clinical manipulative tips for obtaining the highest performances, in terms of bond durability and stability of the adhesive interface using these adhesive systems starting from selecting the appropriate system, application tips, common manipulative errors and detecting possible failures.

Biography :

Sherif Abdelaal is Professor of Conservative Dentistry in faculty of oral and dental medicine, Cairo University, Egypt. He finished his Ph.D. degree in Conservative Dentistry from the same faculty, 20 years ago. He has many published researches in local and regional journals in operative dentistry. He participated in many national and international conferences. He is now working as Consultant of Restorative Dentistry at King Abdulla Medical City, Saudi Arabia.

