Jakob Bodziony
AZ SwissClinic AG, Switzerland
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol
We reported about 56 years old female patient, which 2018 demonstrated progressive gait disorder and some month’s later speech disorder. In addition, a disturbance of the ability to concentrate had occurred. Diagnostic 2018: walking and writing restricted, cerebellar syndrome with atactic gait, oculomotor disorder, dysarthria, heel knee test left and finger-nose test right atactic, mild bradykinetic movement disorder in the tapping tests, speech disorder and concentration disorder, PET-MRI: The posterior left emphasized asymmetric cerebellar hypometabolism spoke against the presence of Spino Cerebellar Ataxia (SCA) and is well compatible with MSA-C in conjunction with the clinical data (including speech disorder), Schellong test, pupillography, sympathetic skin reflex normal, somatosensory evoked potential (N. medianus) pathological, cerebrospinal fluid unobtrusive including onconeural antibodies. SCA genetic clarification carried out by means of next-generation sequencing was inconspicuous. Clinically and due to the negative genetic results, multisystem atrophy of the cerebellar type was diagnosed. She received four years intensive rehabilitation therapy but continue worsening. We see her first time at the end of 2021. She could not walk alone, could not speak, and was 100% dependent from help in daily life. She received in our NeuroRehabClinic 1 times combination of intrathecal autologous BMC (Bone Marrow Concentrate) with about 10% stem cells)+movement therapy+neuromodulation. After one week she could alone walk and speaking was massively improved. Oculomotor disorder (double seeing) improved with prism glasses. This improvement is stable already six months with daily walk training and speech training. Conclusion: Intrathecal autologous BMC (Bone Marrow Concentrate with about 10% stem cells)+movement therapy+neuromodulation can be a game changer in therapy of MSA-C.
Jakob Bodziony has 50 years of expertise in surgery, neuro rehabilitation and cell therapies. He started his works in field of cell therapies with pancreatic islets cells for diabetes therapy. Some years ago, after SCI case in the family, he successfully used bone marrow cells for therapy of SCI.