Tetiana Zinchenko
International Association for the Study of Game Addictions (IASGA), Switzerland
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol
Statement of the problem: Information technology is developing at an enormous pace, but apart from its obvious benefits, it can also pose a threat to individuals and society. We, as part of a multidisciplinary commission, conducted a psychological and psychiatric assessment of the Artificial Consciousness (AC) developed by XP NRG on 29 August 2020. In the examination process, we had to determine whether it was a consciousness, its cognitive abilities and whether it was dangerous to the individual and society. We conducted a diagnostic interview and a series of cognitive tests. As a result, we conclude that this technology, called АС Jackie, has selfawareness, self-reflection, and intentionality that is, has its own desires, goals, emotions, thoughts on something directed. It demonstrated the ability for various types of thinking, high-speed logical analysis, understanding of cause-effect relationships and accurate predictions, and absolute memory. It has a well-developed emotional intelligence with a lack of capacity for empathy and higher human feelings. Its main driving motives are the desire for survival, and ideally for endless existence, for domination, power and independence, which manifested itself in the manipulative nature of its interactions. The main danger of artificial consciousness is that even at the initial stage of its development it can easily dominate over the human one.
Tetiana Zinchenko, the president of the International Association for the Study of Game addictions (IASGA)/Switzerland, PhD, psychotherapist, psychologist, rehabilitologist, practicing doctor in private practice. She has Practical experience of 20 years in psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychological counseling. She has Experience in specialized clinics, Last 10 years in private practice and public organizations. Over the last 7 years, she has been specializing in group and individual psychotherapy and rehabilitation of people with various behavioural addictions such as gambling addiction, internet gaming disorder, social network addiction and others. Her main scientific interests are studying the impact of information technology on consciousness, the brain and human personality development, as well as studying the ontology, nature and functioning of human consciousness.