Dermatologic signs in women with PCOS | 19978

Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome

ISSN - 2161-1017

+44 1478 350008

Dermatologic signs in women with PCOS

4th World Congress on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

October 26-27, 2018 | Boston, USA

Hans Wolff

Ludwig-Maximilians University, Germany

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Endocrinol Metab Syndr

Abstract :

Women with untreated Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are prone to develop dermatologic abnormalities such as acneiform eruptions, hirsutism and female pattern hair loss (FPHL). The latter can also be termed androgenetic alopecia (AGA). The common pathogenic principle is hyperandrogenism, which may be caused by excessive androgen levels in the blood, and/or increased sensitivity of androgen receptors in sebaceous glands or hair follicle cells. The different dermatologic treatment modalities for these unwanted effects of hyperandrogenism on skin and hair will be presented.

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