Mirza Moranjkic
Clinical Center Tuzla
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol
Introduction: Fusiform and some wide-neck aneurysms remained unaddressed by both reconstructive surgical and endovascular techniques until the introduction of dedicated intracranial self-expandable stent. Aim: The aim of the current study was to review a single center experience with stent-assited aneurysm coilling. Results: Approximately 200 endovascular procedures were performed in our department for various cerebrovascular conditions over the course of some 30 months. Of those, there were over 100 aneurysm patients, and over 50 patients were treated with stentassisted coilling. We encountered 2 technical complications (one stent migration, and one stent dislodgment). No thromboembolic complications were noted, and none of those technical complications proved to be clinically relevant. Conclusion: Stent-assisted aneurysm coiling is a safe and highly effective endovascular technique that provides us with means to treat aneurysms previously deemed untreatable by endovascular means.
Mirza Moranjkic is a renowned neurosurgeon of Clinical Center Tuzla Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Email: mirzamoranjkic@gmail.com