Experimental study of the effectiveness of ocular therapeutic mem | 57346

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

ISSN - 2155-9570

Experimental study of the effectiveness of ocular therapeutic membrane in viral eye lesions

International Conference on Ophthalmic and Oculoplastic Surgery

May 24-25, 2018 Osaka, Japan

E.N. Bilalov, K.M. Imomalieva

The Tashkent medical academy
department of ophthalmology, Uzbekistan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Exp Ophthalmol

Abstract :

Topicality. Eye medicinal films (EMF) are sterile polymer films containing medicinal substances in certain doses and gradually dissolving by tear fluid. Purpose: to study the specific activity of EMF ?¢????GlazAvir?¢??? on the model of acute viral infection of the eyes in the experiment. Materials and methods: In 20 rabbits, an experimental model of viral eye damage was induced, after which the animals were divided into two homogeneous groups. In the first group of animals, EMF "GlazAvir" (plastic, transparent oval-shaped films with straight edges 0.6 to 0.9 cm long, 0.3 to 0.45 cm wide, 0.004 to 0.008 cm thick, and with mass 0.007-0.015 g, containing interferon inducer) were laid, in the second group - antiviral and immunomodulating eye drops "Aktipol 0.007%" (aminobenzoic acid 0.007%) were dropped. Results: It is shown that the average lifespan (ALS) of rabbits in the first group was longer (70 days) and 1,55 times higher than of the second group of rabbits (45 days) and 2,1 times higher (ALS) than the group which pathologically developed (33,3 days). Based on the analysis of symptomatic signs, EMF "GlazAvir" shows a more expressed effect on suppressing the activity of the infectious process in viral keratoconjunctivitis in comparison with the preparation "Aktipol". In addition to this EMF has a moderate immunostimulating and local symptomatic healing effect, apparently due to the limited area of contact with the mucosa of the active drug substance in the composition of the EMF. The manifestation of photophobia in animals at the stage of convalescence (19-25 days) was observed during prolonged contact with the mucous eye of rabbits EMF, which, apparently, may be associated with: a) mechanical irritation of the eye mucosa EMF, leading to disruption of regeneration processes corneas of the eye; b) with interferon-inducing properties of the drug. Conclusion: The expressed effectiveness of EMF "GlazAvir" in the treatment of experimental viral keratoconjunctivitis was proved.
